Hello world! I'm Matthew, an AI researcher,
software engineer, and data scientist.

What is AI?

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is usually understood to be the branch of computer science that deals with creating tools for jobs usually considered to need considerable human intelligence." (Antoni Niederlinski)

"Artificial intelligence is the field that studies the synthesis and analysis of computational agents that act intelligently. ... The central engineering goal of AI is the design and synthesis of useful, intelligent artifacts. We actually want to build agents that act intelligently. Such agents are useful in many applications." (David Poole)

"The aim of artificial intelligence is to provide a computational model of intelligent behavior." (Judea Pearl, 1988)

Publications / Academic Works

Machine Learning for Spectroscopic Data Analysis: Challenges of Limited Labelled Data [PhD Thesis]

M.Sc. Computer Science Thesis

Binarised Regression with Instance-Varying Costs: Evaluation using Impact Curves [Paper]

Incorporating Domain Knowledge About XRF Spectra into Neural Networks [Poster]

Incorporating Domain Knowledge About XRF Spectra into Neural Networks [Presentation Video]

Representation, Reasoning, and Learning for a Relational Influence Diagram Applied to a Real-Time Geological Domain [Poster]


Previous work - games, websites, and more...

More Games...

skylogic.ca [2007-2013]

More Websites...

Home-made 3D Printer [in progress]

More projects...


Visit my LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-dirks-45a8173/


  • Email: matt568 [at] skylogic.ca